Missing Classmates


We had email addresses for the following classmates, but they have bounced back as undeliverable.  If you know how to contact them, please input their address in the box on the right side of the main home page, which will send them a link to our page and an invite to update their profile.

Kevin Newbill

Michael Tardiff

Katherine Jirus

Michael Vasil

Berteena Rollins

Mark Cubberley


All the names in blue below are classmates for whom we have no email at all (and they haven't registered with the site).  If you know them, bug them to register and keep their email updated so they can access the site to find friends and see our reunion photos.

Clifton Adam
Susan Adam
Clifton Adams
Michael Adams
Ethel Marie Adrine
Martin Coe Aldrich
Charles Alexander
Karl Edward Allen
Michael Allen
Gregory M Baker
Scott J Balogh
Kenneth Barge
Raymond S Barnes
Wilie Bell
David Lewis Biek
Kenneth Bomberg
Stanley Bracey
Maurice Brooks
Kim Lisette Bufford (Kovach)
Ronald Buford
Authur Burns
Leslie Ann Byrum
Carla Caldwell
Michael Carter
Thomas M Chapman
David Chew
Elizabeth Chilton
Richard Clarke
Marc P. Coben
Stephen W. Cole
Natalie Collins
Cari Concepcion
Shelley E. Conklin (Nucklos)
Keith D. Connor
Matthew T Corrigan
Daphne Cunningham
Pamela Dagostino
Colleen Daugharty
Michael H De La Pena
Shirley J. Dent
Vivian J. Desantis
Anne T. Douglass
Connie Elaine Dukes
Marjorie K Duncan
Aaron Michael Dworken
Robin Eckley
Candace F. Elliott
Dietmar B Feichtinger
Carol Burnam Freund
Kenneth L Fritz
Robert D Gale
Marietta E Gillon
Felecia Joy Givhan
Christopher Gold
Charles Goldman
James R Gonzalez
George J Gordon
Byron L Greene
Charles Greiner
Earl Gresham
Sellers Grier
Pamela Griffin
Enid Joy Gruszka
Cecelia Haggard
Harvey Franklyn Hall
Anthony L Harris
William Harrison
Gregory Hart
Wannetta Hayes
Donnel Hill
Donald Hirsch
Clifton Hodge
Robin Holman
Kenneth Howard
Renee Hoytt
Antoinette Imus
Eve Israel
Derek Jackson
Marcus Jackson
Valerie Jackson
Zachary James
Thomas Jarmusch
Douglas Jencen
Cheryl Jenkins
Jeffery Johnson
Lenore Johnson
Morris Jones
Adina Kelman
Diane Kennebrew
John Kindler
Christopher Kirby
Andrew Klausner
Derek Kruger
Andrew Krumholz
Randolph Lerner
Alexandra Levy
Gary Lewis
James Lewis
Greg Lincoln
Steven Litt
Indre Liutkus
Michael Lynch
Cynthia Macklin
Annora Marcus
Richard Martien
Peter Martier
Jonathan McCall
David McVey
Douglas Merrick
David Miklethun
Judy Miles
Dennis Miller
Jennifer Miller
Ross Murchison
Elizabeth Nachman
Kenneth Neal
Monica Newman
Helen O'Reilly
Rhonda Orr
Shawn Palmer
Yohni Park
Richard Patrick
Daniele Payne
Milo Payne
Pamela Peavie
Derrick Pender
Matthew Peterson
Holli Prayor
Daniel Prober
Constance Qua
Diane Regutti
Pamela Reiner
Leslie Remington
Amy Reynolds
Debbie Reynolds
Carlton Rhines
Lauren Rich
Terrell Richardson
Ronald Robbins
Cynthia Robinson
Michael Robinson
Pat Roselli
Kenneth Roy
Jeffery Ruth
Carl Sandford
Mary Schindler
David Schwalm
Pauletta Seay
Peter Selover
Victor Sharp
Jenita Simmons
Diana Smith
Stephen Smith
Joel Solomon
Euridice Sphyry
Carolyn Stewart
Nancy Sudak
David Swann
Anna Talsi
Vincent Thomas
Gary Thompson
Karen Thornton
Nichelle Tidmore
Celeste Tindel
Allan Tomlinson
Dwayne Turner
Bradley Twedell
Bradford Unroe
Deborah Urbach
Kathleen Vaccaro
Christopher Walsh
Craig Warner
Richard Weiner
Gregory Wester
Dean Wheeler
Marion Williams
Steven Williams
Latrice Wilson
Paul Wolfson
Kenneth Wood
Martha Wood
Andra Wykle